Erikoinen mies tämä mika juha Duunissa avaruudessa ja haluaa ostaa kaikkien meidän myynnissä olevat kulkupelit
Tämmösen viestin sain minä tältä mika juhalta kun tuohon ekaan kyselyyn vastasin kohteliaasti näkyy olevan alku sähköposteissa aina sama mikajuha@ mutta loppu on sitte hotmail,aol,gmail jne...
I really appreciate your reply, i want to buy your vehicle as matter
of urgent for my son that for was preparing for marriage but all my
family has been relocated to England because i was transfer to United
Kingdom and am inside the space for now due to my work for
researching, then nature of my work did not allow me to call out or
incoming call due to network, but if you can reach me on my phone
number that was with me over here inside this message if you can reach
me here is my number and we can communicate with email
on internet, so when i get back from space i want to see this vehicle
in my house in United Kingdom.
I want the vehicle as surprise to my family before i come back home
from space for the wedding and i don't know maybe you have paypal
account because PayPal online transfer is only method of my payment
for now due to i don't activate my online banking account code before
i left for work as i don't have internet banking, but i can pay from
my paypal account as i have it attached with my bank A/C, kindly send
me your final price.
Finally,I will arrange for picking up the vehicle by contacting
shipping company online for proper security delivery of vehicle with
out any damage after i have made the payments, so i want to confirm if
your PayPal account email address is, then i can
proceed with payment with effect after you reply so that you can have
your money in your account,if you don't have PayPal account before you
can easily set up your PayPal account through if you
are intend to sell this vehicle to me please kindly remove it from
site for listing.
Thanks and God Bless.